My Life Past, Present, and Future
By:River Hine
My life story I broke into three parts, Past, Present, and Future.


I was born December 24, 2008 in Boise, Idaho. I was raised in Idaho my whole life. In my past i was adopted in august of i think 2012 (Not sure). Over the course of mt life i went through school starting 1st grade to know Sophmore.


As a sophmore I am learning code and web design and right now in the present i am making this website/webpage. I just started Sophmore year and my favorite class is History and Web Design. I also play tennis for Centennial High School


In the future I want to be a software devoloper and get good at Tennis. I am hoping when im older I'll be a dad and a husband and be a good guy. I dont have a death date so I cant put one on, but if I did, I still wouldent be able to.